Yoga for Beginners

2018 Beginners, Spring, Summer Course glossy photo for BANNER of web page


Always wanted to try yoga, but not sure where to start?  Do you like to have things broken down to basics and explained thoroughly?  Do you feel your best in small classes with individualized instruction to fit your precise needs?


YOGA for BEGINNERS is now a 12-week series, designed for those totally new to yoga, or

anyone wanting to master the basics.

Do you flourish in classes where you feel comfortable enough to ask questions with guidance from an approachable teacher and support from friendly peers?  Maybe you would you would feel great trying variations that make your body feel good, rather than forcing yourself to do something that just doesn’t feel right. 





Are you ready to strengthen, gain confidence, and learn how to relax, concentrate, and heal?


Yes, please!  Then this twelve-week special course is just right for you.



My Yoga for Beginners series was created and refined for those totally new to yoga and wanting to learn a strong foundation, or those already passionate about yoga who want to review the basics.  All are welcome; even if you have been at yoga for a while, this series will likely deepen your practice with renewed commitment and even new knowledge and focal points.

Due to popular demand for all this series has to offer, this course has been expanded to twelve weeks!  We will meet for 12 weeks, on Tuesday evenings, which TWO choices:  4 or 6 pm.



YIN for mailchimp, Feb 2018

This is the FIRST time my Yoga for Beginners students will be able to experience–in addition to classic, basic yogic techniques (widely known as “Hatha yoga”), you will be able to partake in YIN YOGA for beginners AND have a full session of RESTORATIVE YOGA, all included within registration for this introductory course!  (These are usually only offered in special one-day sessions, at a higher investment point of $15.)  If you would like to learn more about YIN YOGA, read here.


insta viparita karani for restorativeI also have an informative article about  RESTORATIVE YOGA here.  Your curious mind will be eager to explore the subtle differences between these specific practices in comparison to most yoga classes, and your physical, mental, and emotional layers will feel grateful after practicing, leaving the class feeling more spaciousness and release so you can return to your week a bit lighter and happier.



NEW!!  Because of the high demand for this class, I have added another Yoga for Beginners class to my weekly schedule.  There are now five slots remaining for the upcoming 12-week term, on Tuesday AFTERNOONS, 4 to 5:15 pm, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; June 5, 12, 19, 26; and July 10, 17, 24 (no class July 3)Early bird pricing for dedicated students has now passed; drop-ins are now $15.  You can go to my scheduling page here to RSVP for a drop-in; payment for drop-ins is ONLY cash or check.  If you would like to take the remainder of the course, get in contact with me to make arrangements.



The 6 pm option is now FULL, Tuesday EVENINGS, 6 to 7:15 pm, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; June 5, 12, 19, 26; and July 10, 17, 24 (no class July 3).  If you would like to check out other classes, or be on the wait list for the 6 pm slot for future weeks, then browse classes & sign up here.  



smile for mentoringIf you are curious about starting yoga, I am so excited you have found this page!  I am Virginia Hill, the force behind AHA Yoga, and I have dedicated myself to teaching yoga because it has changed my life and those of my students.  Simply put, yoga WORKS.   But it is indeed a practice, which means it requires dedication and an ever-increasing understanding so that the deepest benefits can work cumulative, transformative affects.  Though I have practiced yoga for over 18 years, it took almost ten years before I found the right teacher and routine so that it could become a part of my daily life.  Suddenly, as my practice became more integrated and well-rounded, I experienced what even the simplest yogic techniques have to offer.    Yoga encourages physical mobility and comfort and, most importantly, offers a disciplined, creative use of a now peaceful mind.  It is a means to heal, and also reach your greater potential It is with this knowledge and visceral, energetic experience that I created this beginnners’ series, so that each student can experiment and feel confident in the basics, understand how and why yoga works, and choose which practices are needed at just the right time and for the most joyful affects.  Yoga can only be known through such experience.  Come find out more and experience this for yourself by joining this specially designed Yoga for Beginners.



What do you receive?  Each session includes easy warm-up exercises, centering techniques, then “Poses of the Week” where you are taught yoga postures slowly and in detail, and learn how to make each pose gentler or more challenging for your body.  Each pose is demonstrated, practiced, and repeated for any questions.  You also receive a study sheet each week with pose pictures, names, and tips to help you remember and inspire you to practice at home.  Every class includes cool-down and a guided systematic relaxation.  You will also learn yogic breathing techniques (pranayama), exercises for body awareness, and how to integrate the sensations of calm into your everyday routines, and the beginnings of meditation practice.



20180418_192511You will practice basic seated, standing, and supine yoga poses, and how to put them together.   We will have fun with yoga props such as blocks, bolsters, blankets, sand weights, pillows, and straps.  You will learn how and why each is used, and how adding yoga props to your practice refines your alignment and makes your physical sensations more comfortable or challenging so your yoga is the most beneficial it can be.  You will also learn what basic household items you can use at home for the same results.



Each week we review techniques from the previous week, so these motions become accessible and ease-ful, happy habits.  If you are ready to feel more ease and peace, join us for Yoga for Beginners at 4 pm & other classes here.


Again, this is the FIRST TIME that the course will ALSO include YIN YOGA for Beginners and a session of RESTORATIVE YOGA, both included in the course, a savings from the usual investment in these specific classes of specialty techniques (usually $15 to $20 each).





Every session builds on the previous week, so it is important you commit to every class.  We learn the components of vinyasa (coordinating breath with specific movements) over the term, so what once may have seemed intimidating is not only do-able, but fun and easy to understand and accomplish.  Over the tweleve weeks, you will build strength and stamina, become adept at modifying poses so they feel best for you, experience different balance poses and how to make them adjust to your body so it feels spacious and open,  and feel confident in doing different Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar).  You will also be introduced to simpler variations that you can do at home or on the go, in your regular clothes, at any time.



With 12 weeks of practice, you will begin to feel better on different levels of your being, and be suplied with the knowledge and clarity to keep your practice strong, adaptable, and easier to sustain.  You will feel good practicing yoga, so you are more likely to continue and, over time, enhance your happiness as well as your physical health.

By the end of the 12-week term, you will have a firm grounding in how to warm-up, how to move into and out of basic, well-known yoga postures, how active practice and breathing exercises enable deeper relaxation, and how and why relaxation response is the most important tool for the healing benefits of a regular yoga practice.  You can feel firsthand why yoga is touted by doctors and wellness experts alike.  Mobility, breathing, sleep, and even mood can be improved.  Want to know more about clinical trials and other research on the benefits of yoga practice?  Then check out my resources page here, “WHY YOGA?”

If this sounds like the choice for you, you can attend a drop-in at 4 pm for $15 (cash or check only); reserve your place today for the 4 pm time slot by using the on-line scheduling system here, or join the wait list for the 6 pm time slot on-line as well.  Be confident in your choice to commit to your yoga practice, and you will find out why yogis famously tout, “Practice and all is coming.” 



Each session, we meet at the beautiful, serene space at Suwannee River Yoga Studio, in White Springs, Florida.  Great care has been put into this course as well as the design and maintenance of this studio space so that it is an inviting, nurturing container for you to explore and develop your own inner capacities.  There is ample parking, and nearby you can find the hiking trails along the Suwannee River and the amenities of the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center.





Sound exciting?  Are you ready to master simple techniques for more mobility and peace of mind?  Then be sure to save your place on the mat before this class fills.  If you are ready to improve your life and try Yoga for Beginners, you can still join us at 4 pm for a drop-in class for $15.  Simply RSVP on-line here; payment must be by cash or check.  or join the 6 pm wait list here.


Have you tried videos, but learn better in person?  Want the encouragement of a community of peers who are also beginning their exploration of yoga?


Class size is limited to ensure you have plenty of space, all the props you need, all while receiving personal attention and care in an inviting, nurturing environment.  In addition, one of the brightest benefits of this class is that most (if not all!) students are total beginners, so this creates a carefree, non-intimidating, and supportive environment as everyone learns and experiments together.



Have you tried yoga class but can’t recall what you did once you get home?  Would you like to feel steady & supported in your practice so you can stick with it and feel the transformation?

Remember, as part of this course, you receive a study sheet each week that summarizes and reviews what we did in class, including drawings of the poses, explanations of breathing techniques, and pointers to remember details.  This is a splendid way to recall your favorite techniques  so you are more likely to continue a regular practice at home.  Then, you really gain longterm, deep benefits of yoga!

Still wondering if Yoga for Beginners is the class for YOU? Check out what others have to say about starting yoga with me!


testimonial AHA Yoga Ray               Beginners testimonial LAB



You will experience all sorts of ways to get into and out of poses and then ways to adjust them to make each one juicy, comfortable, and fun for your body and needs.  Do not let stereotypes of yoga pictures scare you; yoga is for everyone and every body.



What yoga postures will you know–each with variations for more accessibility or challenge–by the time you complete this course?  We will learn yoga postures like Trikonasana (Triangle); Pavana Muktasana (Knees to Chest); Virabhadrasana 1, 2, and 3 (Warrior 1, 2, & 3); Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge); Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby), Natarajasana (Dancer  Pose); Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose); Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold);  Yoga Mudra (Seal of Yoga); Vrksasana (Tree Pose); Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist); and much, much more.  You will also learn Pranayama (Breathing practices) such as Alternate Nostril Breathing, Bhastrika, Sitali, and Bee’s Breath–all for calming and energizing–as well as the supreme practice for building vitality and increasing confidence, Agni Sara (Fire Essence).


In addition, new poses have been added to this series that have not been introduced to beginners before.  We will learn two additional balance postures, variations of accessible kneeling backbends, as well as a fun MANDALA sequence, which has us moving in all directions on the mats through simple, pleasant movements that bring deep release and fun to our yoga practice.



And if you do not know what any of these are, don’t worry; you are in the right place, and soon will!


Excited to begin your yoga journey and feel calm and ease, and have questions?

I understand:  Starting something new is a big step!  So if you have more questions, or are simply wondering if this is a good fit for you, reach out.  Contact me using the form below.   You can also text or call me (949.903.5076), e-mail (, or Facebook message  today with questions.

I have lots more in store for you!  If you’d like to stay in the loop about future offerings, sign up for my community newsletter here.


Still have questions?  Starting yoga is a big step, so don’t be shy; send me inquiries.  Learn more about me, your teacher, here.  Feel free to also use the contact form below.

Remember, space is limited and there are only 12 places in each course, so if you want to feel the comfort, stability, and peace yoga provides, save your spot for a $15 drop-in (payment by cash or check) on TUESDAYS at 4 pm using the on-line scheduling system  here, or add yourself to the wait list for TUESDAYS at 6 pm here, so you can get started with like-minded people and a dedicated teacher.

I look forward to meeting you and practicing together!